Output Requests
If you are interested in requesting output on Cal Poly's alumni, parents, and friends including biographical, gift, and prospect information then you have come to the right place. You can submit our output request form on-line and then receive your output within two weeks.
With this application, you can submit an output request, check the status, and receive periodic e-mails regarding the status of your request. The basic process follows these steps:
- After submitting your request, you can view a printable version of your request for your files.
- You will receive an automatic e-mail confirmation letting you know that we have received your request. Additionally, you will be assigned a unique request number for your reference.
- You will receive an automatic e-mail confirmation when your request has been completed so you know when to expect your output request.
Policies and Procedures
You must abide by our policies for requesting output as well as sign a Security and Confidentiality Agreement which we keep on file. The policy is as follows:
- Because Advance contains information that is considered sensitive or private and is protected by State and Federal laws, users of this information are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of any information acquired. All information is, and remains, the property of Cal Poly. Authorized individuals may use the information for approved Cal Poly projects and purposes only.
- This information may not be transferred or released in any form to any other individual or organization without authorization. After use, this information should be returned to Advancement Services or destroyed.
- Information received is good and valid for only 45 days and must not be used beyond that time period. If your information has expired, please submit a new request.
- All requests for output must be approved by University Development prior to the release of any information. The process can be expedited if you contact the appropriate areas prior to submitting your request.
- All requests for donations must be approved through the UDAE Intake Form. Complete online form.
- All mailings must be coordinated through Advancement Services. Prior to the mail date, send a copy of the mailing piece to Heron Hall, Attention: Jonelle Thomson, 6/5860 for approval.
- All events must be coordinated through the Cal Poly Alumni Association office at 6/2586.
Output Formats
Output can be delivered in a variety of formats including both reports, data for labels, or data for analysis.
- Reports/Data for analysis or honor rolls. We can provide you data in a comma-delimited file which can be used in a variety of programs like Excel. We have a variety of pre-defined output templates for you to choose from.
Standard: Gift Summary (Name, preferred address, employer info, degrees, and giving summary) Previously "Master Biographic Report w/Gift Summary"
Honor Roll: ID Number, Honor Name, Record Type, Record Status, Cash Credit Amount, Gift-in-Kind Credit Amount (available only in Excel spreadsheet format) - Mailing Addresses for your newsletters, constituency base, or invitations. We can provide data in a comma-delimited file which can be used for mail merges or sent to a mailing house. View our standard layout and criteria document (pdf) for details
For those users needing access to this application, you may request access by contacting Jonelle Thomson, Security Chair at jthomson@calpoly.edu or 6/5860. Please note that you will not receive security access until you have completed a training session and signed our Security and Confidentiality Policy agreement.
A training curriculum has been set up for all users requesting access to this application. If you would like more information or would like to sign up for a session, contact Craig Nelson at cnelson@calpoly.edu or 6/1558.